Sunday 28 February 2010

Raving, Swedes and Dreams

Very little to say about the last few days,
here's a little low down...

  • Friday was a very emotional day for all members of Acting at Weston College... we had to say goodbye to our mentor Steve, who is one in a million... I cried like UN Baby!!
  • I had the privilege of having a lovely blog written about me by Jamie Ruther, aka PANDA OF LOVE!!!! pssst, thats not his name.
  • Exclaiming men in the morning about weird nicknames are never pleasant but I can't complain because he let me sleep on his... FLOOR! not chest lol.
  • Going to a lovely hair salon and being looked impatiently because of my split ends and not booking an appointment... OVERPRICED.
  • Rave parties that mean my flat will be a state and covered in men with fleshholes in their ears, SERIOUSLY, i hate those things.
  • Partying til half two woop woop... sober, boo.
  • Fucking wasted Swedish man and French lady made all of our nights... dance like gazelles in a blender.
Bad dreams suck. Why was I in Jamies room, locked in???? Why did I keep hearing people laugh at me? And why then was there a little girl, saying 'mummy' to me over and over? Horrible dream. No sex.

Gutted. ETA of new laptop, one week. Me = Royally screwed.

Peace out xxxx

Wednesday 24 February 2010

The Blowers Daughter...

A song that I'm not sure makes me feel better or worse...

And so it is
Just like you said it would be
Life goes easy on me
Most of the time
And so it is
The shorter story
No love, no glory
No hero in her skies

I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes...

And so it is
Just like you said it should be
We'll both forget the breeze
Most of the time
And so it is
The colder water
The blower's daughter
The pupil in denial

I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes off you
I can't take my eyes...

Did I say that I loathe you?
Did I say that I want to
Leave it all behind?

I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind off you...
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind off you
I can't take my mind...
My mind...
'Til I find somebody new

Jamie :)

A very special mention for a very special dude. I am extremely privileged to have him as my friend, my best friend, actually. At least, he's easily up there in the top numbers. If I had to pick a guy who I can confide in about anything it'd be him. He's just the most special kind of person... totally pacifistic (until you give him a lightsabre) totally friendly, funny... and totally unapologetic about who he is.
He likes Pokemon, he likes Star Wars, and he's proud of it.

The wonderful picture at the bottom of my blog was drawn by him, of me :) and it's easily one of the best presents I've ever been given.
Jamie, himself, is a gift. It may sound cheesy but its true.

And Jamie, if / when (!) you read this, I hope you listen, because it's all true. Everyone loves you, who couldn't? You'll go far in life because everyone will want to be around you. Who else can dress up like a shark? (Picture is below)

The reason for this detailed and only 'Jamie filled' blog? Because whilst I was very upset tonight he gave me a huge hug, and didn't ask for an explanation... just a hug. To let me know he was there for me. And he always is. So yeah. BGF forever!
And at that point I realised, he deserves his own post. He deserves a frigging kingdom of... virgins and beer!
xxxxxxxxxx Peace out xxxxxxxxxxxx

Very little to report.

I can report that me and Rob are dressing like pirates for stage combat exam after Easter.
And that I am currently putting together my raver outfit for Saturday night.


xxx peace out xxx

Tuesday 23 February 2010

To all my college buds...

This song is for you... because none of this shit we're all going through DAILY (today is a prime example, I know some of us feel a bit crestfallen) means nothing if we're not there for each other. I'm always here for you guys.

Did we lose ourselves again?
Do we take in what’s been said?
Do we take the time to be
All the things we said we’d be
And we bury heads in sand
But my future’s in my hands

It means nothing
It means nothing

You can find yourself a God
Believe in which one you want
‘Cause they love you all the same
They just go by different names
When we fly our flag today
Are you proud or just ashamed?

It means nothing
It means nothing

If I haven’t got you

And the sun sets in the sky
You’re the apple of my eye
If the bomb goes off again
In my brain or on the train
I hope that I’m with you
‘Cause I wouldn’t know what to do

It means nothing
It means nothing

It means nothing
If I haven’t got you

Love you all

Peace out xxx

P.S I'd like to congratulate Freddie D and Laura for their really great performance and feedback today. You guys work really hard and it's well deserved :)

I do how

the chick who wrote a blog about The Golden Compass said it was...

'Light on the gold, heavy on the ass.'

:) Peace out... later, report about solitary. xxx

Monday 22 February 2010

Guns N Roses :)

Thats all!

Peace out xx

Todays Likes, and Dislikes...

Today I like:
Vicky Coutts :)

The sweetest little bean, and a dedicated follower of my blog, which makes her obviously awesome. I love her style, and her hair, her dorky laugh, her weeny feet :) her happiness is infectious and anyone who doesn't love her is crazy!

Suzie Carden

Has played my sister on 2 occasions, it must be fate! I love her LOADS and she's so fun and cute, and I think I'm looking forward to isolation on Tuesday and Wednesday, coz she'll be there, along with...

Megan Rose

Who is ludicrously funny and it's accidental! Mainly because she's from Dagenam, and the only problem with her is that there's no pics of us together :( I love her lotsness too.. she's my sister through and through.

This is Megans head, it looks exactly the same both ways round! Hilarious!
  • I also love my new dress for my cousins wedding...

this is the ACTUAL thing... tunic dress, looks LUSH on, and very very me. Did also sneak in a top from the sale but its very cute so I'm not feeling guilty.

  • The afore mentioned nail polish colour from yesterdays blog is now ALL MINE and it may stick around for quite a while :)
  • New shampoo :)
  • My mum being all better.

However, I do not like

  • How cold my flat is
  • That I have to do work... four parallels, which will not take any time at all. And then a stage combat journal, for which I have no idea what to write.
  • Mean people.
  • How... I'm starting to feel a wee bit out of my depth.
  • That I miss home and I'm not going to be there for WEEKS!
  • That I spent a lot of money on Red magazine and it was quite crap.
Itunes Purchases of today - Celine Dion - River Deep Mountain High, not because I am a fan of her, but because it is upbeat, and I am a fan of rarities.
Bethany Joy Galeotti - Feel This - a recommended track that is beautiful.

Peace out xxx

Todays Likes, and Dislikes...

Sunday 21 February 2010

Video for today...

Things I love today...

Always and forever, I love my cats, Slut (aka Crumbles on the left) and Chubs (aka Charlie on the right)I love that I'm almost 20 and mum still thinks its funny to put Dopey in my bed as if he's sleeping.
This new nail varnish colour is awesome!! I love it muchos.
My old phone, LG Viewty aka Tanya... she'll be gone soon and I'll miss her!!
My gorgeous nano aka Storm... I love her so much... three new songs...

A&E - Goldfrapp (chosen by my recommendations, listened to a sample and really liked it.
Mine Mine Mine - Pocahontas, wishlist choice... I love this film!
Alone - Glee Cast with Chenoweth :)
So thats my day... gotta pack before getting later train back to Weston tonight... back to reality tomorrow. However, really haven't gotten myself in any way ready for leaving the house yet. Gotta also start stage combat journal.

Oh, stressful days,
Peace out xxxx

Saturday 20 February 2010

I have boobs.

And that means I win.

Loving watching Glee the house of Molly and Zoe, however I do apologise for getting Schu's name wrong. It's Will, not Andrew. My BAD!!!
Spanks self.
Ooo that felt nice.

'You're a very strange woman.'
Thats the last thing Molly
Paatz will EVER say!
I must now extinguish her. Like... a ... virgin??

*Starts dancing and forgets previous rage, so Molly is fine.*

Oh no. This house makes me insane.

Highlight of Paatz time, stirring cookie dough whilst singing 'You can do it, put your back into it.' It is recorded. Videos coming soon :)


Made me... chuckle

She packed my bags last night pre-flight
Zero hour nine a.m.
And I'm gonna be high as a kite by then
I miss the earth so much I miss my wife
It's lonely out in space
On such a timeless flight
And I think it's gonna be a long long time
Till touch down brings me round again to find
I'm not the man they think I am at home
Oh no no no I'm a rocket man
Rocket man burning out his fuse up here alone
Mars ain't the kind of place to raise your kids
In fact it's cold as hell
And there's no one there to raise them if you did
And all this science I don't understand
It's just my job five days a week
A rocket man, a rocket man


Doesn't work in my country??????? HOW stupid!!!!


Listen to Supersmophs Playlist

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Friday 19 February 2010

I get a little pain

When I see a newborn baby... will that ever go?

Want a Puppy...

Preferably one that looks like this...

Peace out xxxx


This is Owen having a cheeky spy at my breasticles....

Chrissy Bum Wain

Boady Boo...

Lizy Bum.


Randy Hoare...

I have very little to say. Apart from, I love you all... very very much.

And I want lots of memories made this summer, last summer was epic!!!! here's a few samples of fun times...

Me and Boady being sexy...

V. OLD pic of me and Mr Hoare... Randy
Me and the sexical Lizy Face.
Me n Chris being beautiful

Thursday 18 February 2010

Horror... :)

I do love a good horror.

My brother, who asides from various media / film teachers I've met is probably the biggest film lover I know, says
'The horror genre, whilst having really good movies within it, is probably the one genre that gets watered down by the most shit.'

My Favourite Horror Movies:
  • The Ring... the ORIGINAL is way better than the remake. Way more terrifying and made me poo my pants a lot more. Not that little Samara Morgan isn't pant pooingly scary regardless of Japanese or American manufacturing...

Not to be confused with The Grudge, which is again scary in both versions but Japanese version is both tamer and more brutal... in differing parts. But I dislike the storyline.
  • The Shining... Psychological and INCREDIBLE, TV series is feasibly decent but nowhere near as enchanting as Nicholson's mad man lead. And lets not forget the most memorable moment of the entire film...

  • Texas Chainsaw Massacre... just cause its sooo drawn out and spectacularly shocking for its time... remake is like all remakes, grislier but not as fun. stay away from ANY sequel... and 'the beginning'. Most successful, definitely. My favourite part is when a girl is stuck on a meat hook whilst Leatherface saws up a victim nearby.

  • Massive fan of new film 'The Strangers'... very hard to watch and the trailer itself is remarkable. Worst part is the end, actually, most of it is just soooo drawn out you're terrorised too.

  • Elm Street... PLEASE DON'T SCREW UP THE REMAKE!! Sequels are bogus, original possibly my favourite? Johnny Depp's film debut as well :) Best part, the pool of blood in the bed after Freddy slices up a girl in her sleep.
  • Halloween ORIGINAL but actually remake wasn't that bad. None of the sequels are up to par, and there are A LOT of sequels. Best part in the original, can't name one, it's all awesome. In the remake, when Michael chases a girl through the walls of a house!
  • Exorcist, for obvious reasons... nothing better than a man dub film voice making a little girl scream obscenities and masturbate with a crucifix... oh NOW you're interested!! Best part... hard to say. All makes you squirm.
  • Psycho, probably the most critically acclaimed. Didn't find it scary but huge fan of Hitchcock. That shower scene makes me paranoid EVERY time.
  • Nosferatu... that guy is CREEPY! silent horror film that managed to creep me out.
There are more... well obviously. More another time.

Peace out xxx

Blog Love For TAODS!!!

These people are like a little performing family to me, I'm always always sad when I can't do shows with them (e.g. now I'm at uni and there's no musical love going on :(...)
There's a select load who should know I love them lots and that's who I will be naming today :)

  1. Richard Boys. I have done one show and countless days out with this guy... he's insane!! Richard is the one in the dress. Poveda Senior is the one with the rosy cheeks, Me and Hannah take centre.
  2. Martin Poveda is like one of my favourite uncles... but a really good mate too.
  3. Nicky Whitby BonfACE!!! Otherwise known as Cameltoe. Love her lots and love also goes to her baldy love baron
  4. Paul Robinson!! Amazing voice and infectious laugh :)
  5. Mini Povedas!! They're starting to make me feel REALLY old.
  6. Amy Baby Tidball, and all the other Tidballs.
  7. SIMON!!! 'oh that's a nice one'.. total gem. Heart of old and king of the ridiculous expression.
  8. Hey Jude!!! SexiesT laydee MD :)
  9. kerry and simon for best duo directing Annie and Musical Madness.
  10. EXTRA spesh mention for Bebe Sanders... My favourite little Annie orphan turned sophisticated sex kitten!
SPECIAL mention goes out to the Paatzes, mainly because Molly, the not so little one, is one of my best fwends. But Stirling, Louise and Zoe make up this amazing family... who are lovely and have catered for me on several occasions :)

Have I left anyone out...

Well, OF COURSE, there's Mr Spicer :P Mr Wilson, the man with the lights,and lovely mention for my sexical Annie Granny Fiona Murray. :)

Peace out xxxxx


Comes in the form of...

  • Look Magazine
  • Animal Hospital / Pet Rescue
  • Melrose Place (new awful tv show)
  • Planning outfits
  • Planning things to do with buddies today (can't wait to see Miss Worrall)

Wednesday 17 February 2010

Glee Rocks, and here's why...

  • It's got singing and it's a TV SHOW!!!! And it's not not NOT teeny bop like High School Musical.. it focusses on the talents of people regardless of clique... e.g Artie in the wheelchair? and curvy girl Mercedes?
  • The 'lead' girl Rachel, who always gets the lead songs, and is obviously talented, is a mockery of her own type. She's psychotic and pushy but I love her anyway.
  • Andrew Schuester is very very very much going to be my future husband.
  • Whatever horrible thing happens in the show, like teenage pregnancies etc, there's always a kick ass song to finish the show :) which makes me very happy.
  • I HATE High School Musical, and watching Glee reminded me of how much. HSM has no depth, this does.
  • They make showtunes COOL! At last, my time has come.
  • They brought back Chenoweth!!
:D Love Glee, Peace out xxxxx

Oh yes, I have this many fwends.

Little BABE Amy Ure...

Gentlemen, avert your eyes, cause she's been known to hypnotise!!!

I met this girly on an off chance on a night out with Miss Polly Smart, and it turns out that she has lived for a good few years about fifty yards away from me!!! So it was lucky I met her. She's a genuinely sweetie pie, very chic and just plain GORGEOUS!!!

I have not known her very long but it's been a pleasure and I love her to pieces :)


Jade AND Emma... sexiest ladies since time began.

I have never been so grateful to have met two girls as these two right here, right from the off they've been kind, generous, and even put me up for a week in their flat when I was in desperadoes need for some TLC. They are diamonds through and through and I love them so much. Whilst I am a curvy and proud laydee I think I can say I wouldn't mind looking like these two!!!

Three for today, Peace out xxxx

Tuesday 16 February 2010

Oh Devon, I love you.

My life has not been blogged for an ENTIRE 24 hours which is unheard of since I joined in January.

Well, A LOT has happened since we last spoke Mr Blog. Not much of any consequence.
So yesterday I rose easily and freely with a horrendous sore throat at about 11, and downed pain killers and lozenges. God only knows where this sore throat has come from.
I then showered and dressed and opted for my new (oversized) Beatles Tshirt and acid wash leggings. Thats LEGGINGS, not jeggings, although my mother has pointed out in her dry way that pale acid wash leggings just look like pale jeggings.

So anyway. Then after prepping myself for a day of hilarity and making sure the family camera was charged, Polly Smart, ditsiest person ever to exist, arrived at my house. With, I might add, a half eaten loaf of bread and desire for some marmite on toast, and a refill for her tea flask.
Confirmation, that she is insane.
WELL. We set off in her lush Fiat 500 or whatever her little car is named (I love it because the Bluetooth reads her text messages to her, resulting in hilarity one time when Jimmie and I were texting her obscenities for almost an entire car journey.)
We then went to Paignton, Torquay, Cockington (so pretty but nowhere to park) and back to Paignton. Hilarious pictures of us trying (and for me, failing) to get into childrens rocket rides, prove yet again how large an arse I have.

Then we skipped to Morrisons as Polly needed cash and I was hungry, and then we got a really nasty surprise. Halfway between our sandwiches Dad rang and said 'Tea is in an hour and a half.' Roast dinner. We were going to bust at the seams with Dads roast dinner, sandwiches AND chocolate. Oh dear.

Well, we took a drive through Kingswear and made it back with 3 mins to spare, faced with this gargantuan Roast dinner. Then off to the pub (???!!!) with Amy Ure, cutest little tiny blonde person since Thumbelina :)

Will put some Devonian adventure pictures up when I upload them :) Dartmouth today with Dad for family bonding. And yet ANOTHER roast chicken dinner. And may be meeting up with Mr Charlie McG Thursday. Good times :)

Peace out xxxxxxxxxxxx

Oh Devon, I love you.

Sunday 14 February 2010

Friendies continued.

Sexa St John Palmer

Sexa's Real name is Alexa... And she's gaaawjus, and fun and a real pile of sexy. I love her sexy booty.
I have known Sex for YONKS... longer than I have known most people, and I gotta say, I have never had a bad word to say about her. Like most good people she's a nutter but that makes our outings and fun time all the more fun. I hope I get to see her soon coz I misses her. :) LOVE YOU SEXA. xxxxx

How do I love Cat Roberts??

So much. Let me count the ways...

First she's one of my little sisters, so it's a given that I should love her to death... second, because she's just so cool. She's turned from a shy wayward girl who didn't know much ;) to a stunning and confident young woman, and I've had the pleasure of watching her grow into that. She's talented and sweet and funny.

I love you Cat. Loved seeing Michael McIntyre with you, love being your fwend.


I love this girl. Along with Miss Hannah and Miss Worrall she's probably my best female fwend, and I totally feel bad when I'm with her cause she's so ridiculously gorgeous.

I met Pogs at Performing Arts year 1 at Kennicott, same as Miss Worrall. Polly is a total mentalist and a really fun person to have around. She's kind, generous and can cook ANYTHING... she's gonna make a lovely wife one day. Fingers crossed she'll pick me!! Haha.

Polly I love you so much and I'll always be here for you. It's totally sucked since you moved away but we're gonna have so much fun this week and in the future!!

Love you Polly. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx


They're mental oriental!!! They have very smelly bums!!! Yes, it's Rosa and Adele!!

I live with these two special ladies and I think they are insane, we have a lot of laughs and we've had a party that was AMAZING and Adele's birthday will be awesome too!!
They give good hugs, they cook good chicken, and they're always game for a laugh. :) Luff to Whitecross home girls.

This is what Rosa drew of us:

This is us :

Peace out xxxx

Devon, Oh Glorious Devon

How I love you on days like today.

When its chilly and sunny and dry, and the leaves are falling off the trees and crunch under your feet.
When the cool wind never ruffles your hair but nips at your skin to let you know it's there.

I love Dartington cider press when its buzzing not busy. I love the cycle path when the grit is soft and golden and doesn't stick under your feet. I love chubby robins and sparrows skipping in front of me (although one robin wouldnt stay still for a picture.)
I love the river being a glorious clear copper and glinting in the winter sunlight.

I had a really lovely day, just me and my thoughts and seeing a few friends.

:) Weston is where I live, Totnes is my home xxxxxxx

(Peace out)

Saturday 13 February 2010

Friendies 3

1 + 2 - Danny and Clare...

Sitting in a tree. I'm not making anything suggestive... we always sit in trees weeing on passers by. JOKE.. maybe :P

I love these two, they're hilariously ridiculous. I knew Dan the Man first and because he was so heartbroken he couldnt have ME he found Clare ahahaha. True Story. :)

NOT REALLY but I really love these two, they're hilarious and lovely.

We have fabooolous times together and we'll have many more very soon yes??

I wouldnt change them for the world and they're so CUTE look at them!!


Yes Vicky Baker, you are amazing. I love you so much it hurts and I cannot wait to share un housen with you!!! well... un flatten.

I love you like a fat kid loves cake.

I love like I like cake\!!!

MEOW. We're gonna have so many fun times with your funny way you pronounce 'or' like 'ar'... you're actually a pirate. And we're gonna get you a man!! YAAAR!!!

Love you Baker!!!



Best Film Quotes EVER.

Ok, so there's obvious awesome favourites.

'I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse.'

'You're going to need a bigger boat.'

'E.T phone home.'

My mama always said, 'Life is (was) like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.'

ooh the text changed. and it remained changed.


There's obvious favourites. But mine are all kinda... remarkable in their own way.

Read on mon amis!!

Anchorman (there's so many but I've narrowed it down to three.
1. 'Hey... where did you get those clothes.. at the, toilet... store?'
2. 'I'm Ron Burgundy?'
'Damn it, who put a question mark on the teleprompter?'

Cold Mountain. Totally tragic movie, but there's one line that always gets me a little bit tearful.

'They call this war a cloud over the land. But they made the weather and then they stand in the rain and say 'Shit, it's raining!'

Team America.... F*** yeah!!

'We're dicks! We're reckless, arrogant, stupid dicks. And the Film Actors Guild are pussies. And Kim Jong Il is an asshole. Pussies don't like dicks, because pussies get fucked by dicks. But dicks also fuck assholes: assholes that just want to shit on everything. Pussies may think they can deal with assholes their way. But the only thing that can fuck an asshole is a dick, with some balls. The problem with dicks is: they fuck too much or fuck when it isn't appropriate - and it takes a pussy to show them that. But sometimes, pussies can be so full of shit that they become assholes themselves... because pussies are an inch and half away from ass holes. I don't know much about this crazy, crazy world, but I do know this: If you don't let us fuck this asshole, we're going to have our dicks and pussies all covered in shit! '

Spottswoode: Remember, there is no "I" in "Team America".
Intelligence: [pause] Yes, there is

And my Anthony Hopkins quote of the day:

"A census taker once tried to test me. I ate his liver with some fava beans and a nice Chianti."

The ones from films that I haven't named... you fail if you don't know where they're from.

Peace out... xxx

Friday 12 February 2010


Ok, so I know that one me dearest buddies has just dressed up as one of these for a party, but this is no time to steal his thunder, as he clearly wins at life.

Ok, so before I go into the shark spiel I shall let you know a few things about me.
1. I have no favourite colour. That I know of to exist. My room at home is greeny blue, but not like the sea, kinda like an old bruise but pretty. Not my favourite colour. It changes like, every day.
2. I have no favourite food. None. I mean, chocolate in my world is a food group but I don't favour it next to curry, or biscuits, or chilli chicken, or bbq chicken pizza... etc.
3. I have no favourite drink. Juice, yes. But depending on my mood decides the flavour.
4. I have no real... ambition. I long to have a family, thats it.
5. I don't think I have a favourite film. Honestly. Or a favourite book. Or even a favourite band.

Everything for me depends on the day. And I'm sure I'm not the only one.

I'm always gonna have my fears. And I suppose my most irrational fear is possibly my strongest.
Sharks! They frigging terrify me.
One thing. I've never come into contact with a shark. So.. thats ok. I think I saw a fin on holiday once, but I swam back to shore quicker than I've done ANYTHING in my life when I did.
Imagine this. The Imax, the biggest cinema screen in Britain, then imagine that whilst watching 3D cinema, a Great White Shark comes into your vision. Swimming slowly and motionlessly. With those dead, black eyes.

So while I search for a picture, I squint and pretend its a big fish.

Sorry, but what ISN'T terrifying about that? I'm reeling from the laptop screen!!

Gah. Anyway. I hate sharks. Something you guys should know... something to rant about.

I think I need a nice picture now.

Whilst lying in my sick bed...

Don't worry, I don't have plague, just some form of throaty stomachy sinus bug.
Yumathon right?

A few things that have gone through my mind.

1. I really haven't seen enough Daniel Day Lewis movies.
2. I am very much looking forward to my dear cous Holly's wedding, but is unsure of what dress to buy for it... after all, not long now...
3 . Whether I am too crude to have a public blog?
4. Where the handsome prince is today? Or ever? Lol.
5. Where I can get a top similar to Naomi from Skins.
6 How I'm going to manage on just over four hundred squids after half term for five and half weeks (lots of beans and pasta. no takeaways, limited nights out, stop clothes shopping)
7. How to get out of eating soup for dinner.
8. Whether I actually do look Japanese or whether that Dopplganger site is a fraud.

PEACE. xxx (out)

More buddy buddies!!!

Two from uni

1. Monsieur Gittins.

An epic mofo of gargantuan coolness. My fwendy coz we are both as hilarious and tragic as each other, and cause we both are a fan of films. We both attempt to outgeek each other on a daily basis and normally end up 50/50. I get the guys and he gets the rock star looks. Its fair.

I bum him quite a lot, he's a fun guy and does occasionally provide wisdom and a shoulder to cry on. We've had some epic times and I'm gonna be mighty sad when he leaves like a little bitch in ... May. WAAAH!! who else will be my chipmunk werewolf obsessed fwend who hates Megan Fox?
Geez Rich. Dunno what I'm gon do. And i hope this makes you cry and i want to taste your tears!!!

Joke. Maybe :P
Love you man.

2. AyLA.

She's just fitness. Me and her bond over the size of our bobblies. I have big ones, she has huge ones in comparison to her teeny wee waist, what a wench.
However, she's sweet and supportive and a bit crazy. She finds me hilarious and is still talking to me after I lay a big wack on her face in a scene, so I've found my golden girl. She's funny and lushness and I love her big stylee, and knows cheap biscuits. I am extremely priveleged to know her coz she's just a yum. For the definition of a yum, look at Ayla.

I look like a zombie in this, but hey, we're a fit couple.

Two not from uni...

3. Paul Duffield.

NOW don't get me wrong, I do not knnooow Paul amazingly well. We're not like peas and carrots you know. However, I do feel he deserves a special mention in my blogstars, because of 2 things.

1. Whenever I do speak or see this top bloke he makes me chuckle, actually , he's a bit a spoon in general so even his Facebook stuff makes me giggle.
eg. Todays status 'Paul Duffield is an organ doner. Please see inside for details.'

COMEDY GOLD!! lolathon.
He has been poking me none stop on facebook for... YONKS. none stop. I get a poke pretty much every day. And if that doesn't make you feel loved, nothing will.

God love ya Duffers xx

(no pics of me and the Duff) (this is hilarious)

Oh Paul.


There are so many reasons why I love this girl. she's funny, she's crazy, she's ridiculous, she's insane, she's fun, she's cool...
kind, generous, a lover of the theatre, she's talented, she's creative, artistic...

She basically rules.

Since being her bud we've done countless parties, trips, activities, we recorded a song together, lets not forget CRAZY GOLF. She's just a non stop fun cruise. And I love her to absolute death. She brought me back from the dead. And she make a year of work fun!! Who couldn't love this girl?

Hannah, I love you TIL THE END.

There are 188 pics of me and Hannah together.

This one MAY be my favourite.

She's the one on my shoulders.

And of course, you can't mention Hannah without...

5. Jazzy Spaz Crossman.

This is Jaz. Jaz is Hannahs Cheese. Her One Caucette. Her Master Cable. And I am totally a bridesmaid at their wedding!

Jaz is God. Jaz for President. He's silly enough that he'd get everything right.

When first meeting Jaz, I thought he would suck my blood, but after he grew out of his emoooo phase I realised he eats regular food and has a very dorky laugh. But like most things Jaz does, his laugh is HILARIOUS. As is he, when he's not being grumpy or being a pleb.

Boyakasha Jaz. :D

Thats all for today. Peace out fookers.

Thursday 11 February 2010

A Few People...

Who mean the frogs. to me. (Thats a lot) I'm gonna randomly find them and name my five people of the day. (Ha, ha. Five a day)
Plus a little pic... since I have no love for anything much today.

Sarah... Miss Sarah Hounsell, resident of Dartington, fire of my loins.
Thats us below, we're sooo fit. Right so I met Sarah when we both worked in the same cafe. She's been there through a lot of hard times, she's a sexy little beast and I love her lotsness.
Plus, she's insane. Like, she didn't even care when I threw a 'Jungle Book' hardback at her, she just laughed. I think she threw sugar at me first. And one time we bought like four shopping carriers of food back to my house cause my parents weren't home, and we got drunk, had a water fight with my neighbours and then put chocolate spread on ourselves and played spoons. As you do.
I love her and miss her and she needs to get her sexy bum out of Cardiff and back in my bed :P

Who mean the frogs. to me. (Thats a lot) I'm gonna randomly find them and name my five people of the day. (Ha, ha. Five a day)

Emily Worrall

Omg I LOVE this girl. She's sex on toast. We met in the same performing arts class in year 12, she'd moved from a totally gay school (LOL) and came to ours. Emily then proceeded to barely show up for college but oh did we have some laughs when she did.

So, Emily's Manchuunnian. Mancy tart. Whatever way you wanna say it. She's dry (in the humour sense) she loves Peter Kay (eating Nutri grain here dirty bitch...) and she loves being BLONDE. I have never known anyone to have such BRIGHT blonde hair. its insane in the membrane!! She was brunette at one point but it didn't last long. God and you gotta love her partner, Ham, too. He's a moody beardy bugger. And I totally gave him that nickname.
I don't quite know how I managed to love any northerner this much, but I do. Me and her are sooo sexy we could take over the world!

Now this section is aboot Rory T, my bruva from anuva Mum. I has met Rory at Uni, he's a bit of a lad with a massive heart of gold. His room is also chill out movie band hero central. Like him, its the epitome of awesome.

Its a little section because I has not know him that long, but he's been a real buddy to me. He's always concerned for me, always looking out for me. And he's a cheeky wee thing too.
Roary Rory, it hasn't been long but we will wreak more havoc for AGES! I am so grateful to has you as my bud and I just wanna say thank you for all the fings u has done. I will always be here for sisterly love.

(i Does not have pic of me and Rory monster. So i found one of him and a dog??)

Nom Nom StenTAford.

Otherwise known as Tom / Tommy / Barry.
Anywho. Out of me uni bruvs... Tom is the one who gets the most abuse, so God bless him for putting up with it TBH.
I remember first talking to Tom at Freshers and I thought he was a dick, and then I spoke to him more and I found out he's just a little bit shy. No dick . Well obviously, he has one. But he's not... you get the point. Anywahey. God love him . Someone has to.
I think Tom and I have a shared awesome common ground. He'll talk to me on occasion about a problem, I'll talk to him on occasion, and then we'll go and get a panini. Or one time I think he went to the bank. Or we'll get locked out of a bar and be very annoyed.
Love ya big stylee Thomas, I'm glad you're not a dick :)

Tom is the one with the sunglasses. I'm sat on Gittins, who will get a blog mention ANOTHER time.

And last but not least, Buddha.

Peace out

Is me as cartooon

Is me as cartooon
