Friday 5 November 2010

Weekly Mischief... Wesston style.

Ok, so this week I've revisited my childhood with the glory of fortune telling... remember those paper fortunes you used to make?

Well, we were just messing.

Here are the culprits Weston College are looking for:

Ben Crowden
Tom Stentaford
Rob Brown
Fred Dahlqvist
Charlotte McCormack
... me. :)

and for the last two days we've been going craaaazy.

Our top fortunes:

Ben - going up to a stranger and announcing he's got new socks on. His response ... 'Ok.'

Tom - grabbing the hands of a stranger and singing 'Sausage fingers.'

Rob - shouting 'George Harrison is a c***!' in contextual studies

Fred - slapping himself frequently

Charlotte - making up a game on the spot / asking a stranger 'Tampon?'

Sophie (me) - making an imaginary bus and trying to get passengers. or suckling on someone next to me.

fun fun week.

Is me as cartooon

Is me as cartooon
