Wednesday 25 August 2010


In exactly 13 days, I move into my new house.

For 2 days my best friend has been in the US.

Since Monday I have spent nearly 3 days social time with 3 beautiful girls all much more attractive than me, and blonde.

Since this morning I have only had a croissant. My waistline looks smaller.

I have exactly 6 layers of concealer and foundation on my face.

This is better than normal, I normally have 8.

I have written stand up material about 'Giant Shark and Giant Octopus.'

I still have no grant from Student BLOODY Finance.

Saturday 7 August 2010

Just a wee update, and a life plan...

So here's whats new...

1. My bestest friendus in the world is leaving for America for 10 months in 16 days. Needless to say I'm mad at her :P

2. I can only be a friendus for her beloved whilst she's away for a mediocre 15 days after she leaves, BECAUSE

3. I move into a new HOUSE on the 7th. I went there today and put some of my stuff in my new (big) room. :) I'm ludicrously excited.

4. Student Finance are literally good for nothing.

5. I still have new hair.

6. I have a DATE soon. eep.

x x x x x x

Part 2: Life Plan.

1. Finish 2nd year of uni, with hopeful entry to Bath, if not, figure out new career move.

2. Turn 21 with 2 fabulous celebrations, 1) Ramshackle club 2) ESPANA!!!

3. If Bath is an option, get degree.

4. After degree, do masters.

5. If Bath is not an option, find full time work to save and go travelling with a group, or solo.

6. After either of these options figure out a living.

7. Find man, if man is not found (estimated age: 25)

8. Tie him down.

9. Pop out some kids.

10. Buy a dog (this could come before or after option nine)

11. Live until I die. Avoid falling pianos and gangrene.

Is me as cartooon

Is me as cartooon
